Addison became quite the little "stunt man" on the hill and had an absolute blast! Speed is definitely his thing, much like daddy! He is 3 and he was telling Wes to set him up so he could hit the "jump" on the hill...haha!

Asher was so darn cute on the sled. He kept his arms out to the sides everytime he sat on the sled as there really wasn't anything to hang onto. As they started going down the hill and the speed increased he would cover up his eyes with his hands. Maybe he is more like mommy :)

Aidan brought his skates, hockey and a puck and chose to skate around the rink with one of his friends from the neighbourhood. After we left him and Kyle decided to go back and bring their sleds and try out the hill as well. Got home just in time for some pizza and then he was off to skate-church which is held down at Vertical Edge indoor skateboard park. Very cool idea as a group of men introduce the bible and Jesus to skateboarders in our city. Aidan loves going to this each Sunday night and has even started going by himself (without a friend by his side) brave of him to step out like that and show his independence.
A fun afternoon with friends from our small group down at the park here in our neighbourhood. It was our first entire-family outdoor activity as we bundled Abigail up and she slept in the stroller while the boys played and mommy took photos. It was a lot of fun for the kids as they love to be outdoors! Looking forward to doing it again.